Here is Views Steps that can help you improve and start your Digital Ministry: Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa ( Covenant of Ease)
Here are a few steps to start a successful digital ministry! 1. Prayer and Reflection: The first step in starting a propheticdigital ministry is to spend time in prayer and reflection. Seek God's guidance and clarity about your mission and goals. Reflect on your skills, strengths, and calling as you explore how these can be used to serve others digitally. 2. Define Your Targetdigital ministry is to spend time in prayer and reflection. Seek God's guidance and direction for your ministry. Ask for discernment and clarity on how you can use digital platforms to share your prophetic messages. 2. Define Your Audience: Determine who you want to reach with your prophetic messages. Identify your target audience and their needs and interests. This will help you create relevant content that speaks to them and makes an impact. 3. Develop a Content Strategy: Create a content plan that aligns with your ministry's goals and your audience's interests. Use different digital...