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Showing posts from June, 2023

Renew & Align with God

Romans 12:1-2 is a well-known passage from the Bible, specifically from the book of Romans in the New Testament. It reads as follows: "1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." This passage is written by the apostle Paul, who is addressing the believers in Rome. He starts by exhorting them to offer their bodies as living sacrifices, which means dedicating their entire lives to God and living in a way that is pleasing to Him. This act of surrender and devotion is described as the true and proper form of worship. Paul then emphasizes the importance of not conforming to the patterns and values of the world. Instead, he encourages beli

Exploring the Depths: Five Wealthy Adventurers Venture into the Titanic's Abyss"

Introduction: In a daring expedition that captured the world's attention, five extraordinarily wealthy individuals embarked on a perilous journey to the ocean floor to explore the wreckage of the Titanic. This remarkable undertaking combined opulence and adventure as these intrepid explorers sought to unravel the mysteries that lay hidden beneath the icy waters. Let's meet the extraordinary individuals who formed this daring crew. Alexander Sinclair - Tech Tycoon and Underwater Pioneer: Alexander Sinclair, a visionary tech tycoon, spearheaded the expedition. Known for his insatiable thirst for adventure and penchant for cutting-edge technology, Sinclair has made a name for himself in the world of underwater exploration. His passion for the Titanic's history and a desire to push the boundaries of deep-sea exploration led him to assemble this team of fellow adventurers. Victoria Kensington - Eccentric Philanthropist

Embracing Growth: Learning from Past Mistakes to Shape a Better Future :- Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa

 Author: Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa ( Covenant of Ease ) Introduction: Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, successes and failures, joys and sorrows. Each of us has encountered our fair share of mistakes and painful experiences along the way. However, it is crucial to remember that our past does not define us. Instead, it serves as a valuable teacher from which we can learn and grow. By leveraging the lessons learned from our past pains, we can forge a path towards a brighter tomorrow, not only for ourselves but also for those around us. Looking Beyond the Pains of the Past: Often, the weight of our past mistakes and failures can become overwhelming, preventing us from moving forward and embracing new opportunities. However, dwelling on the past only serves to hold us back. It is vital to acknowledge our mistakes, learn from them, and then let go. By freeing ourselves from the burden of past pain, we can create space for personal growth, resilience, and the chance to make a positi

Influencers and Potential Awareness :- Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa ( Covenant of Ease)

People will dump you after using you and call someone else when you are no longer beneficial to them. Don't be useful in a useless way! When you discover your God-given potentials, make sure you don't use and show them all to the wrong people because if you do, regret will be left when the fruits are reaped. Few people know how to repay with a good mind, while few are wicked. Don't let the world see you as finished; give them small portions of what you carry so that you will not be out of fashion. Never repay evil with evil. Watch your moves and steps in life. Be careful of your actions and the people you associate with. Avoid negative influencers and always keep your head up for new opportunities and chances. Be satisfied with what you have at hand but always believe in God for a great day. Written by: Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa (Covenant of Ease) 

Celebrating Fatherhood: A Joyous Father's Day : - Written by: His Royal Majesty, Oba Akinyele Peter Oyewo. BABALAKIN THE SECOND

As the warm rays of the sun gently caress the world, we gather on this special day to celebrate and honor the pillar of strength and love in our lives: fathers. Father's Day is a momentous occasion that allows us to reflect on the invaluable role fathers play in shaping our lives, inspiring us, and guiding us through life's journey. Today, I, His Royal Majesty, Oba Akinyele Peter Oyewo BABALAKIN THE SECOND, am filled with immense joy and gratitude as we pay tribute to fathers around the world. Fatherhood is a remarkable gift, bestowed upon individuals who embody unwavering dedication, compassion, and selflessness. Fathers are our protectors, mentors, and providers. They stand as a shining example of integrity, hard work, and unconditional love. Their unwavering support and guidance instill in us the values and principles that help shape our character and navigate the world with confidence. On this auspicious day, we honor fathers who have gone above and

Here are some key considerations and steps involved in the design of HD Talking Videos: Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa

Scriptwriting: Begin by developing a well-written script that outlines the content and dialogue for your video. Ensure that the script is concise, engaging, and tailored to your target audience Pre-production: Plan the various aspects of your video production, including location scouting, casting, props, and set design. Create a storyboard or shot list to map out the visual elements and transitions. Recording equipment: Use professional-grade recording equipment, such as high-definition cameras and high-quality microphones, to capture clear visuals and audio. Ensure that the equipment is set up correctly and tested before proceeding. Lighting: Proper lighting is essential for HD video production. Use adequate lighting to ensure your subjects are well-illuminated and avoid shadows or overexposure. This will enhance the overall visual quality of your video. Audio recording: Set up a dedicated space or studio for recording high-quality audio. Use a quality microphone and consi

Service to Humanity: - Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa ( Covenant of Ease)

Without service to humanity, there can't be any genuine success. Everything is a process; do not rush God's plan for your life! Service to humanity refers to the act of dedicating oneself to helping and improving the well-being of other people.  It involves selflessly providing assistance, support, and care to individuals, communities, or society as a whole. The focus of service to humanity is on promoting the welfare, happiness, and progress of others, often through acts of kindness, generosity, volunteer work, philanthropy, or contributing to social causes. It embodies the values of compassion, empathy, and a sense of responsibility towards making a positive impact on the lives of others.  Service to humanity can take various forms, such as providing aid to those in need, advocating for social justice, working towards equality and inclusivity, promoting education and healthcare, or addressing environmental and sustainability issues.  Overal

If you're interested in applying for a Guinness World Record, here's a general guide on how to do it : - Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa Adeyemo ( Covenant of Ease)

If you're interested in applying for a Guinness World Record, here's a general guide on how to do it: Research Existing Records: Start by researching the Guinness World Records database to see if there is already a record category that matches your idea. This will help you understand the requirements and guidelines for that particular record. Determine Your Record Category: If you find a suitable category, note down the specific details, rules, and criteria associated with it. If you can't find a relevant category, you may propose a new record idea to Guinness World Records by filling out their online form. Set Your Goal: Determine the specific record you want to attempt and set a goal that is challenging yet achievable. Make sure it aligns with the guidelines and rules set by Guinness World Records. Gather Evidence: Guinness World Records requires extensive evidence to validate your record attempt. This may include photographs, videos, witness statements, and o

Benefits of Promoting Church Annual Program :- Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa ( Covenant of Ease)

Promoting a church annual program through various means such as sharing e-flyers, jingles, and interviews can be beneficial for several reasons: Wider Reach: By utilizing different promotional tools, you can reach a larger audience. E-flyers can be shared via email or social media platforms, allowing you to target both members of the church community and individuals outside the congregation. Jingles and interviews can be broadcasted on local radio stations or shared through online platforms, enabling you to reach people who may not have direct contact with the church. Information Dissemination: E-flyers, jingles, and interviews provide a platform to convey important information about the annual program. They can highlight the event's date, time, theme, guest speakers, activities, and any other relevant details. By sharing this information in a variety of formats, you ensure that people receive the message and are well-informed about the program. Increased Engagement: Th

Graphic designers, media experts, website designers, and internet promotion professionals all contribute significantly to the success of a business or ministry. Their skills and expertise help create a strong brand presence, engage with the target audience, and maximize the organization's online visibility and impact : Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa ( Covenant of Ease)

Graphic Designer: A graphic designer plays a crucial role in enhancing the visual communication of a business or ministry. They are responsible for creating visually appealing designs, including logos, brochures, banners, and other marketing materials. A well-designed graphic helps to capture attention, convey messages effectively, and establish a strong brand identity. By combining their artistic skills and understanding of marketing principles, graphic designers contribute to attracting customers, building trust, and differentiating a business or ministry from its competitors Designers and Promotion Impact IMPORTANT OF GRAPHIC DESIGNER, MEDIA EXPERT , WEBSITE DESIGNER AND INTERNET PROMOTION OVER BUSINESS OR MINISTRY ChatGPT Graphic Designer: A graphic designer plays a crucial role in enhancing the visual communication of a business or ministry. They are responsible for creating visually appealing designs, including logos, brochures, banners, and other marketing materials.

Rare Supportive Women: Vision and Impact : Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa Adeyemo ( Covenant of Ease Prophetic Ministries)

The best person to share your secret with is a supporter, not a mocker. It's important to have a highly supportive woman who understands your vision even better than you do. She should be someone who can connect and relate with others without focusing on their errors or differences. She is a rare individual whom God has created as a blessing to generations and a mother figure to many. As you aspire towards a vision, set goals, and strive to reach a destination, remember that you cannot do it alone. You need the support of others, particularly a rare woman who is like a mother to you, rather than just your wife. Your wife may have a sense of entitlement, but your mother possesses a sense of mutual benefits and blessings. She always desires to take on responsibilities and brings people together with love and a positive attitude. She is never selfish, wicked, or denies others opportunities. If you truly want to achieve your targets and make a solid impact, pray for your wo

Divine Power for Greatness:- Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa ( Covenant of Ease)

Once you experience the power of God, you will witness a transformation in your life and feel the presence of the loving God. I sincerely believe that embarking on the journey of destiny without the genuine power of God is impossible. To overcome obstacles and accomplish great things, you require the anointing for ease and the power to break barriers. Prepare yourself and remain determined to achieve immense success in Christ Jesus, who provides strength to you. I, Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa of Covenant of Ease, encourage you today to never give up on your purposes. Your vision holds great significance, and it must be fulfilled before passing it on to the next generation Do not be influenced by the success of others, for God never forgets you. You will reach a place of fulfillment, and your greatness will impact the entire world. While many may celebrate wealth, success, and prosperity in their lives, it is important to discern whether these blessings come from God or are sole

Change and Bless Others:- Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa ( Covenant of Ease)

If you understand how quickly God can change a situation and bless others, you will refrain from mocking people. Whatever knowledge you possess is merely a privilege and a grace from God, given to you to bless others in return for what you may lack on your own journey towards fulfilling your destiny. Instead of being a mocker, choose to celebrate the greatness of others and extend help and kindness using the blessings God has bestowed upon you. If you have been granted the grace by God, extend your help to others and never deny them opportunities or chances. Give what you have, and in return, the universe will reward you abundantly. Remember that nobody possesses everything, and there will come a time when you will need others just as others will need you. Build peace, love, and trust. Support others and refrain from negative thinking. By helping someone, you are not enabling them to surpass you; it is not a competition. God has already planned and assigned each of us speci

God's Help in Challenges :- Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa ( Covenant of Ease)

When faced with challenges and difficulties, remember that it is not your responsibility to fight back. Instead, trust in God's intervention and wait for the outcome of every step taken by your adversaries as they attempt to challenge the goodness and favor that God has bestowed upon your life. The world may deny you, friends may abandon you, and even your own family may develop hatred towards you, despite your past struggles and efforts to help them succeed. However, it's important to realize that God has not forgotten you. To reach your destined land of success, maintain the purity of your heart as you did in the past. You have the power to bless lives and uplift destinies. Regardless of the present difficulties you are facing, believe that it is merely a test from the universe. If you pass this test, you will progress, but if you fail, you will have to start over again. Whatever you may be doing today, remember that you are laying the foundation for future genera

Strive to create peace with people and always think before you act. Having second thoughts is essential.I, Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa (Covenant of Ease), have been divinely inspired and sent to all of us to change our ways before our actions negatively affect our ultimate outcome.

Thank you Holy Spirit! I am Mentor Johnson Ifeoluwa (Covenant of Ease), and I want to convey to you that if you are truly a blessing, people will miss you when you're gone. However, if you haven't made any positive impact, nobody will feel your absence whether you choose to leave or they remove you from their lives. This is something we should all reflect upon. We should ask ourselves, "Will people truly miss me if I'm on my own path or if they decide to remove me from their lives?" Do what is necessary. Lift others up and support them with the blessings God has bestowed upon you. Be a source of blessing and contribute to the betterment of others, whether it's through financial means, your strength, or your potential. Learn to be a blessing to others! If your actions and impacts are truly commendable, it's not for you to boast or narrate the story. It is when everyone goes their separate ways that you begin to realize the areas in which you bot