Several destinies have been aborted because their ovation preceded their manifestation.
When you bring yourself out before the time of your manifestation, you may either not last or the magnitude of God's plan for you may be cut short!!!
"To everything, there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven" (Ecclesiastes 3:1NKJV)
One thing you must understand as you proceed in destiny is that there is a time for everything. Irrespective of the magnitude of God's plan and purpose for your life, you must present yourself for incubation before your manifestation. Proper incubation does not happen in the public and no man can grow effectively at the point of exposure.
The ordeal Joseph faced, was due to the ovation of his dreams. God, in a bid to preserve his mandate hid him, making his enemies think they had triumphed over him. A similar scenario played out when Jesus and Moses were born. Also, the problem David had was because of the ovation of his mandate when he defeated Goliath.
God helped these men to handle their ovation by keeping them to preserve their glory. When your glory comes to maturity, its manifestation will happen naturally without any struggle. Several young men are being cut short in destiny because they were exposed before their manifestation; wait upon the Lord and grow in strength to bear the weight of His glory in destiny. (Isa.40:30-31).
*Question For Meditation:*
How much do you care about your growth?
*Prayer Point:*
Lord! My destiny will not fail; I will grow from strength to strength to fulfil my mandate in Jesus' name. Amen!!!
Ovation before manifestation exposes a man to various life battles he can naturally avoid by hiding to avoid premature growth!!! KEEP BUILDING YOURSELF QUIETLY AND PRIVATELY. STOP TRYING TO BELONG.
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